Dear Design Graduates of 2023, WE NEED YOU.

“The true measure of progress is not in the absence of work, but in the empowerment of individuals to find meaningful and fulfilling paths amidst automation and innovation.”

– Greta Thunberg, Eindhoven 02038

Recruitment Letter

My name is Ioana, and I am a talent acquisition manager for the biggest design firm in 02038. I write to you as a recruiter, bringing you an amazing opportunity to shape the future of our world. In the coming years, a significant challenge will arise, one that demands your talent and ingenuity.

The world as you know it now will have changed completely. The problems faced by the world today are but a speck in comparison to the problems faced in 2038. Global inequality, poverty, deforestation, and violence are at an all-time high. We are sad to see what the future of the world looks like, but we have hope that you will change it!

Our mission is to create a future where work becomes a source of fulfillment, where innovation becomes second nature, and where individuals have the opportunity to thrive. For these reasons, we are traveling back in time, to hire people that still have the spark to make a change.

Goals of the company

By 02040 we aim to cut back on carbon emissions by 30%, we have the initiative to recycle 60% of the waste created by the company into other applications, and our global supply team is working with our international vendors to ensure that all workers receive fairer wagers with 30% from our supply coming from fair trade sources. Apart from that, we are also in a close partnership with the company Neuralink for cutting-edge research and development, to leverage the technology and innovation to enhance human potential.

Come join us in pioneering solutions for the future of the world! Submit your application today and we will be in touch as soon as the future needs you!

Together, let us create a future where work knows no bounds and our collective brilliance shines brightly!

Figure 1: The designer of the future

Available jobs

Role: Innovation Strategist Designer

Starting salary: 45000/year


  • Lead workshops and ideation sessions to foster a culture of innovation within the organization.
  • Monitor the implementation and impact of innovation initiatives, making adjustments as needed.


  • In-house chef that cooks you 3 meals/ day
  • Unlimited supply of beverages and snacks on company property
  • Free healthcare

Role: Human-Machine Collaboration Designer

Starting salary: 75000/year


  • Design and implement strategies for effective human-machine collaboration.
  • Work closely with Neuralink to test the control mechanism and work efficiency.


  • In-house chef that cooks you 3 meals/ day
  • Unlimited supply of beverages and snacks on company property
  • Free healthcare
  • Company car with personal chauffeur
  • Paid accommodation  

Role: Information Designer

Starting salary: 105000/year


  • Creating information to shape public perception and narratives
  • Work closely with our strategic communication team, you will craft compelling messages that align with organizational objectives


  • In-house chef that cooks you 3 meals/ day
  • Unlimited supply of beverages and snacks on company property
  • Free healthcare
  • Company car with personal chauffeur
  • Paid accommodation
  • Free use of private jet whenever you need to travel


Are you excited about the opportunities mentioned?

If you are, you might need to take a closer look at what your actions will mean in the future.

If you are not, then you are starting to see what is wrong.

Your future (2038) and my present (2038) are about bringning awareness to the consequences of our actions. We often look at them from a very individual perspective “It’s only me that does it, what could I change?”, and by creating an exaggerated experiential future (Candy & Kornet, 2019) we are trying to give people a kind of prefigurative hindsight (Monticelli, 2021). Capitalism and consumerism have become so dominant that even when affecting our personal lives they shroud hidden agendas that drive them to grow.

In this scenario we are giving people a chance to start posing the right questions and looking for indicators of capitalistic greed, encouraging better judgement in every interaction.


  1. Lara Monticelli (2021). On the necessity of prefigurative politics. Thesis Eleven. 167(1), 99–118.
  2. Stuart Candy and Kelly Kornet (2019). Turning Foresight Inside Out: An Introduction to Ethnographic Experiential Futures. Journal of Futures Studies, 2019, 23(3): 3–22
  3. Midjourney (2023). Image edited with Midjourney.
  4. Lockton, D. (2023). Theme 1: The Time-Travellers – TU/e Researching the Future Everyday.




